The story of the 990 series by New Balance is one of timeless excellence and unwavering quality. Originally conceived in 1982 with a vision to create the ultimate running shoe, the 990 surpassed all expectations. Its sleek and understated grey colorway, coupled with an unprecedented three-figure price tag at the time, set it apart as a symbol of both performance and sophistication. Since its debut, the 990 has undergone several updates and expansions in color options, yet its aura as a status symbol of quality and refined taste remains unchanged. The New Balance 990v4, introduced in 2016, further refined the silhouette with a streamlined mesh and pigskin suede overlay upper construction. Fine-tuned adjustments to the cushioning ensured optimal comfort and performance for the modern wearer. In essence, the 990 is more than just a shoe—it's a testament to New Balance's commitment to excellence and a timeless icon that continues to captivate avid runners and tastemakers alike. Its enduring legacy as the epitome of superior craftsmanship and aspirational style is a testament to its unparalleled quality.

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New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite New Balance 990v4 Hi-Lite